Classroom Rules and Expectations

-Students should be in the classroom and in their seats when the bell rings.
-When the bell rings to begin class, students should be quiet and focused on the lesson.
-Students should be prepared for class (See Materials/Supplies).
-Students should raise their hands and wait to be called on before speaking
-Students are expected to be respectful toward their peers and their teachers. We are all here to support and   help each other.
-Students should pay attention and follow directions.
-If students have difficulty understanding directions or concepts, they should feel free to raise their hands and   ask questions.
-Students that are late to class will need a pass. 


-Students who are absent due to illness or other circumstances are expected to make up the work that they missed. I will help in any way possible so that those who missed class do not fall behind. If you need help,             contact me and set up an appointment or visit during office hours.

Office Hours

-Monday through Friday: 7:15-8:00 AM and 3:00-3:45 PM or by appointment
-I will arrange for extended extra help on the days prior to tests.

Homework- "Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog." -Doug Larson


-Homework is important and assigned almost daily. Most homework assignments will be graded as quizzes.  Homework assignments are listed on the homepage calendar, which will be updated keep checking in!

-Late assignments must be completed but will receive a grade deduction. 

-Textbook should be brought to class.


**Remember that you are here to learn, grow and succeed. I want you to come away  with a great deal of knowledge and I also want you to enjoy this class. Algebra can be challenging, but it can also be dynamic and interesting.